A downloadable game for Windows and macOS


Use your space train to help a tomato deliver packages, or buy drinks from BAR BOB on Station One, or help fix a poor chicken's space pickup, or do all of that!

Now featuring:

  • Multiple endings!
  • References to a bunch of other games made by me.
  • Pretty good voice acting on the station 125.7 TED NEWS.
  • Great chiptune on 90.4 THE EGGO.
  • No organ harvesting unlike the previous game.


Overall development, 3D modeling, programming, etc.: FISH SLAP Guy

Music/Voice Acting/Sounds (all the audio stuff): Eggo76, KingDinner and mixkit.co

Assisted with writing (did most of the writing): ChippedGoat

Testers: everyone above, a nugget, some random people I kidnapped from the hallway outside my dorm, some old people, and small me.

Emotional support squirrels: The squirrels that kept running past my dorm window while I was making the game.

Spacebox/Skybox: Deep Space Skybox Pack from Unity Asset Store.


Tomato Potato Revolution.zip 77 MB
Tomato Potato Revolution Mac.zip 87 MB


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Pretty cool, looking for tomatoes makes for a fun experience!


I am worse then a puppy kicker, and I joined a terrorist organization, overall 10/10